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2024-01-11 07:08:48 | 瑞金盛留学网




雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示。

今天,环球青藤朱国伟老师和大家分享一篇关于雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示文章,值得大家阅读学习。更多精彩好文章,尽在环球青藤!雅思口语Part 3问题1:What are some reasons why people eat out ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示1:It’s a tradition that we intend to treat our friends and family on some special occasions , especially on birthday , and some important days . a fancy restaurant can provide us decent dining environment , delicious cuisines and thoughtful service . by the way , these days , office workers are getting busier , they have no time to prepare home cooked food , eating outside is the only remaining option .雅思口语Part 3问题2:Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or eat at home ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示2:I prefer to eat at home . my mother is good at cooking , she usually prepares a table of delicious dishes at home . by the way , my country has a notorious reputation of food security . so eating at home is much safer.雅思口语Part 3问题3 What are the differences between eating at home and eating at restaurants ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示3: Eating at restaurants , you may enjoying a decent dining environment , cuisines with different taste and flavor , and thoughtful service . compared to eating at restaurant , dishes prepared at home are simple but balanced and nutritious .雅思口语Part 3问题4In my opinion what is healthy food ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示4: A healthy meal should be balanced and nutritious . in each meal , we need to intake various vegetables , different kinds of fruits and many types of proteins . by such way , we may maintain a good physical health .雅思口语Part 3问题5What are some examples of unhealthy food ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示5:In my opinion , there are many types of unhealthy food , like western style fast food , desserts with high calories , and food sold at street vendors . food like French fries , hamburgers are very harmful to our health .以上即是本次环球青藤口语老师朱国伟的关于雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示文章分享。逻辑能力强,精通口语词汇。对于欧美的文化很了解。多年的教学经验帮助了不少雅思考生顺利进入理想学府,桃李满园。相信他的这篇文章必定能给与烤鸭们不少帮助和启发。如果对于我们雅思课程想了解更多的话,欢迎与环球青藤课程顾问做进一步的咨询与了解,这里有不同的单项课程以及全项课程,适合不同要求的你!后,环球托福预祝各位雅思考试取得!早日圆满出国留学梦!



有很多同学常常觉得雅思口语考试从6分到7分特别困哪,其实大家如果能够将自己的语言丰富一些,细节描述更多一些,获得7分以上,还是很有机会的。雅思口语评分标准中,很重要一点speak English at length(拉长英语回答),如果能够提升自己对于细节的专注程度,在口语考试中能够令人眼前一亮。雅思口语问题一:1. Do you like your university?雅思口语低分例句:Yes. My teachers are very good and I have lots of friends there.雅思口语拉长回答7分例句:Yes I do. I think my university's great,because I mean, firstly,the teachers there are all really good,you know, I've learnt ahuge amount from them.And another thing I really like about my university isthe friends I've made there.雅思口语问题二:2. How often do you watch TV?雅思口语低分例句:Not often, because I prefer using the Internet.雅思口语拉长回答7分例句:Notthatoftenactually.I mean, I probably only watch it about two or three times a week,basically becauseI prefer watching stuff on the Internet.雅思口语问题三:3. Do you prefer eating at home or eating in a restaurant?雅思口语低分例句:I prefer eating at home because it's healthier than eating out.雅思口语拉长回答7分例句:I'd say I generally prefereating at home,simply becausethe food I eat at home isa lot healthierthanthe food you get in most restaurants.雅思口语问题四:4. When was the last time you received a gift?雅思口语低分例句:About five weeks ago.雅思口语拉长回答7分例句:Let me have a little think, um...... I suppose itmust have beenabout five or six weeks ago,and it wassome chocolate that a friend of mine gave me when he came over to my home for dinner (coz my friends all know that I'm a bit of a chocoholic!)雅思口语问题五:5. Would you like to move to another city in the future?雅思口语低分例句:No, because I love my hometown.雅思口语拉长回答7分例句:No I wouldn't,the main reason being thatI love my hometown,so if Imoved somewhere else,I'm sure I wouldn'tbe as happy as I am living here.雅思口语问题六:6. Can you describe your home a little?雅思口语低分例句:My home is big, for example we have a big living room. And um......We also have a good view because our flat is very high.雅思口语拉长回答7分例句:Yeah, sure.Well first of all, it'sprettybig. For example, the living roomis about three or four times thesize of this room. And, um...what else...oh yeah, and another thing to mention isthe view, because we live quitehigh up, on the twentieth floor,sowe've got a really nice view of the city centre.雅思口语问题七:7. What films will be popular in the future?雅思口语低分例句:I think 3D films will be popular, because everyone likes watching them. And also I think comedies will be popular, because they help people feel relaxed.雅思口语拉长回答7分例句:Well firstly, I think 3D filmswill definitely becomemore popular,mainly becausethey'rekind of morefun to watchthan normal 2D films.So that's one thing, and I also imagine it's likely thatcomedieswill continue to bepopular,for the simple fact thatthey help people feel relaxed when they watch them.You know, when we're laughing at something, we tend to forget about our various worries and anxieties, so watching comediesis a great stress reliever,if you know what I mean!以上即是本次环球青藤老师对于怎么拉长英语回答让雅思口语7分的方法介绍。更多精彩内容尽在环球青藤!



1. 确定先“直接回答问题”,不能迂回
1)I’mquite into music for it never fails to cheer me up.
2) I lovemy name coz it makes people easily remember me.
3) I enjoyplaying computer games as it’s really fun and it’s a great way to loosen up.
2. 还有其他角度拓展思维
1)I am notsatisfied with public transportation in my city just coz every time I take abus or subway, especially during rush hours, it’s packed like sardines. Italways costs me many time during commuting on and off.
2)Swimmingwould be the last thing (that) I want to do. And as I see it, it’s mainlybecause once I almost drowned in a river when I was little. It was so horrible.
1)I’m keenon classical music thanks to my mom, who often puts on some music by Beethovenor Schubert at home.
2)I find itgreat to ride bicycles thanks to my bestie, Catherine, who is a super fan ofcycling. Actually, she always invites me to some local cycling events andgradually it’s become a necessary part of my life as well.
3. 词汇量的熟悉度决定给你的口语流利度
雅思口语考试时间往往都是不固定,很有可能会被组织在书面考前一周至书面考后一周的恣意,且雅思口语考的时刻都是不能依照考生的要求 进行预订或更改的,而且面场所和地址有可能不同于考点场所和地址。
应尽可能的利用身边的机会说英语,多说,多练习。身边有外人陪你练习的话好了,其实有很多的app,想tandem,这个上面很多外人在这里学中文,当然你是不是可以找不同的人练习呀。千万记住,别怕犯错误被别人笑话,任何人算那些native speaker说自己母语都会有口误,更何况是说外语。所以我们尽管放宽心的去说,犯了错误对方提出来记下来,只要不是发生在考场上,完全没有问题。在公开场合练英语,对克服自己的胆怯心理非常有帮助。因为雅思口语考考查的是我们和考官之间的交流,只有当我们放开了去说,才能表现的很自然,那才是真正意义上的交流。
4. 来,上战场小技巧
可以说一两句诸如”you know, well此类的话来缓冲,这里再跟大普及一些:
1)yeah, that is a good question.
2)what I am trying to say is…
3)well ,let me start my topic in this way

